molde balaustre
molde balaustre
stampo balaustra
stampo balaustra
Baluster Form
Baluster Form
baluster mal
baluster mal
baluster mold
baluster mold
molde balaústre
molde balaústre
mold column

TAG: Mold maker for column, column mold smooth, fluted column mold, mold for concrete column, column plaster mold, mold column, molds for column

molds columnmold columnmold for column


Make yourselves your columns concrete or plaster
column mold with smooth or fluted !

price 299 $
to order

example mold column

Molds columns column mold

Dimensions square base 19.25 x 19.25 cm - height 29.52 - diameter 11.81 inches

The molds column was designed in four parts for easier removal. It allows you to make concrete support columns of the height you want, and hollow plaster columns to decorate your home . The molding will be done by inverting the mold ie the narrower the wider positioned as pictured above. To achieve the desired height was you pouring, a first section of 29.52 inches . After removal reattach the mold column approximately 6 cm and fill over . Suffice it to repeat the process to obtain the desired height. You can place a PVC pipe of 7.87 inches to obtain a hollow in the middle of the column and then insert rebar (4 strands ) and then fill concrete along the entire length . It is important to oil ( mineral oil or cooking not to stain the white concrete ) inside the mold and the pvc pipe which will be removed prior to complete drying.


Moule pour balustrade

1993 Bronze Medal at the Concours Lépine inventors to Paris (France)
1994 First prize inventors in Bourges (France)

company E.D.C
Crta de la rabassa ediffici superlauredia 3 local 1 - AD600 St Julia de Loria
Principauté d'Andorre
Register of Commerce: 922247X - Companies Registry 12829
Phone: + 376 844 910 ou + 376 339 184.